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For all services contact us via Email or call 86+ 10-6359-3989 (S. Korea) or 1+ 949-345-9180 (USA)



Welcome to J J & FRIENDS, INT'L!

우리는 전문적인 언어 통번역 서비스를 통해 커뮤니케이션을 강화하고, 커뮤니티 참여 이니셔티브를 육성하며, 코칭과 멘토링을 통해 다음 세대에게 힘을 실어주기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 우리는 함께 언어 격차를 해소하고, 커뮤니티의 협력적 노력을 촉진하며, 차세대 리더를 지원하고 육성할 수 있습니다.  성장과 더 포용적인 미래를 향한 여정을 함께 시작합시다!

We are dedicated to enhancing communication through professional Language Translation, fostering Community Engagement initiatives, and empowering young adults through Coaching and Mentoring. Together, we can bridge language gaps, foster collaborative community efforts, and support and development of the next generation of leaders.  Let's embark on this journey towards growth and more inclusive future!

Your Trusted Consulting Partner

​여러분의 신뢰받는 언어  통역 및 번역 컨설팅 파트너


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Engage directly with our exceptional experts to transform your project requirements and concepts reality. We are to not only meeting but exceeding your goals and expectations, while ensuring timely delivery.

뛰어난 저희의 전문가들과 직접 협력하여 프로젝트 요구사항과 콘셉트를 현실화하세요. 목표와 기대치를 충족할 뿐만 아니라 이를 뛰어넘어 적시에 완료될 수 있도록 보장합니다.

Image by Growtika

Language Translation

​언어 통번역

법률, 의료, 정부, 상업, 교육을 포함한 모든 분야에서 전문 지식을 갖춘 전문 번역가의 힘을 경험할 준비를 하세요! 정확하고 문맥을 파악한 번역으로 콘텐츠의 수준을 한 차원 높여 드립니다. 또한 철저한 교정 및 편집 서비스를 통해 명확성과 정확성을 보장하여 모든 번역물의 최고 품질을 보장합니다. 영어, 중국어, 페르시아어, 힌디어, 일본어, 한국어, 스페인어, 타갈로그어, 베트남어 등 다양한 언어를 지원하는 종합 서비스를 통해 귀사와 귀사의 조직은 전 세계 고객과 손쉽게 소통할 수 있습니다!

Get ready to experience the power of expert translators who bring specialized knowledge in fields like legal, medical, government, commercial, and education! Our precise and contextually aware translations will elevate your content to new heights. Plus, our thorough proofreading and editing services guarantee clarity and accuracy, ensuring top-notch quality in every translated piece. With our comprehensive services covering languages like English, Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and many more on the way, you and your organization can effortlessly connect with  global audiences!

Image by Hannah Busing

 Community Engagement

Prepare to collaborate with us and generate enthusiasm! We are pleased to participate, organize, and promote local, county and statewide events that the vibrant spirit of our community.  Engage in our tailored outreach programs that connect you with diverse groups, educating and involving community members on the critical issues that influence our future and well-being. Let us help you connect to make a meaningful impact in the community gaining valuable experience and establishing lasting connections with bilingual, multi-cultural  representation.

Image by Jamie Street

Coaching & Mentoring

We’re excited to cultivate leadership skills through our amazing training programs that empower young adults to take initiative and lead with confidence! Our Academic support and guidance, along with personalized coaching, are designed to help young adults excel in their studies and achieve their educational aspirations. Plus, our Career Development Support provides essential guidance on resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies to launch successful careers. We warmly invite young adults to our vibrant events, where they can connect with professionals and mentors in various fields, opening doors to incredible opportunities for career advancement and personal growth!


Our Expertise

J J & FRIENDS, INT'L is a dynamic leader in language support, translation, community outreach, and empowerment to excel in our communities! With over 30 years of combined experience and a wealth of knowledge, we are dedicated to fostering our clients' success. Our mission is to provide outstanding consulting solutions that are uniquely tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, their satisfaction and growth at every turn!

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How to Work with J J & FRIENDS, INT'L

At J J & FRIENDS, we have a streamlined workflow for our services. Simply send us a message in the contact page with your general request, and we will respond via email within 24 hours. You can reach us anytime at 86+ 10-6359-3989 or 1+ 949-345-9180.

If you have a rush request, make sure to include your required delivery date and preferences in your message. Each project is expertly overseen by one of our experienced Project Managers, ensuring you stay informed throughout the entire process.

What J J & FRIENDS, INT'L Can Do for You

  • Most widely used Asian languages - Chinese, Farsi, Hindi,  Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese -and Spanish are available.

  • Translated text into and from any format, including Word, InDesign, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint.

  • Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.

  • On-site, over-the-phone, and other virtual options on a scheduled or on-demand basis, as required.

  • Full range of production services, including layout, reformatting, review of proofs, quality control.

  • Secure and confidential work methods.

  • Fast, accurate, and dependable delivery, including short-notice or rush requests.

  • Ebee provides services to individuals, groups, government agencies, and delegations at any type of event or location.

Orange County, CA

"timely services, always!
Consulting Services 

Ebee Connect, Inc.

"Great service, all around."


“Excellent job, always.”


Contact J J & FRIENDS, INT'L

126 Laceflower, Irvine, CA 92618

(949) 345-9180

  • Facebook
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  • Instagram

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J J & FRIENDS, INT'L.'s language consulting service provides translation, interpreting, proofreading and editing, desktop publishing, and audio/visual services in Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese, as well as customized programs in language instruction, intercultural training, and language assessment testing.

J J & FRIENDS, INT'L.   84+10-6359-3989 OR 1+ 949 - 345-9180

J J & FRIENDS - Facilitating Communication, Engagement & Mentoring

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